post WorldCon

WorldCon (or LonCon) was totally awesome.

I’m still in the state of buzzed can’t-quite-believe-it-ness, and it’s (counts on fingers) two days later. Everyone was just so nice. And there were the Tor and Gollancz/Bragelonne parties, and the Seanan McGuire concert, and meeting so many cool people, and interesting panels, and…

(wanders off into distance waving hands around head and trying to explain how cool it was)

(realises that she has work tomorrow at 9am)




So, about to go down south to visit my parents, and while I’m there, I’ll be going to WorldCon. Awesome!

On a side note, I should be getting the proofs of Book One on Monday for final corrections. Must find a red pen and sweat blood, though preferably not at the same time. Everything’s happening at once! Like buses!

And since my trip down to see parents goes through Birmingham while the Quilts UK show just happens to be on at the Birmingham NEC, here’s to some happy fabric shopping tomorrow. Yay, retail therapy! Yay, future quilts! Yay, spending too much!