Audiobook giveaway – get all three!

To celebrate (all right, a little belatedly) the release of The Burning Page, I’m going to do two different random audiobook giveaways here on this blog.

The first giveaway – for three lucky winners, an audiobook code from Audible for The Burning Page.

The second giveaway – for three lucky winners, audiobook codes for all three books! Yes, that’s The Invisible Library and The Masked City and The Burning Page!

Please leave an entry on this blog, as a comment to this post, if you want to take part in the random giveaway, and say whether you want to be in the giveaway for just book three, or the giveaway for all three books.

Closing point will be 24.00 (midnight) UK time on Friday 10th March. I will then draw the winners at random, and post on this blog with the names of the people who’ve won.

And in the meantime, I’ll get back to working on the edits for book four, The Lost Plot

Edit note: I’ve just had it pointed out to me that the end date for this giveaway is stated as 24.00 (midnight) UK time on Friday 11th March. I meant it to be Friday 11th February. In the interests of fairness I’m going to reset the end time/date to 24.00 (midnight) UK time on Sunday 13th February, so that nobody who’s posted so far will lose out. (Apologies for my carelessness!)

Review of the series so far on File770

I’ve been privileged to have a review done on the whole Invisible Library series so far by J.J on (always an excellent site). Here it is:

Checking out The Invisible Library from Genevieve Cogman

Also, The Burning Page is now out on audiobook, and I will be doing a giveaway shortly. Watch this blog/space!

US release of The Burning Page!

I should probably write something witty or intelligent or deeply meaningful, but I’m too busy collapsing with a glass of Tokaji. (My excuse is that it’s something Silver would drink, and that this is therefore pure research. Excuses are wonderful things. Remind me to write Silver with a glass of it at some point in the future.)

Here is a link to the book on

And here’s the audio version.

Thank you, all my readers. I appreciate you taking the time to read my books, and I hope that you enjoy them.

5 days till American release of The Burning Page

I’m back from holiday and back at work again. Not that I want to be pessimistic, but it’s difficult to be wildly enthusiastic when you get back to work after the Christmas holidays in a cold grey January…

But! The Burning Page is out in America in five days, as both physical/ebook and audiobook, on the 10th January. And it’s been picked by Amazon as one of the Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books of the Month for January. It’s also on Barnes & Noble’s Bookseller’s Picks: The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of January 2017. This is absolutely fantastic!

… I do hope people like it. (Yes, I know. Authors. Shy little paranoid flowers.)

And I seem to have made Omni’s list of Best Emerging Fantasy Authors of 2016, which is really, really fantastic. (And in such good company!)

Happy holidays to everyone!

I’m about to head down to visit my family for Christmas. Happy holidays to everyone, however you celebrate them, and may we all have a happy new year.

Upcoming items of interest: The Burning Page will be out in America shortly, and also will be out in audiobook format. In both cases it comes out on the 10th of January…

The Burning Page now released!

The Burning Page has now been turned loose on the world. This eldritch tome contains the inner world-shattering mind-fragmenting secrets of gods and demons… no, wait, that’s the Book of Ebon Bindings, which is an entirely different setting and cosmology.

(I do have a different non-Irene setting in mind which involves hermetic magic, demons, and cats, but that’s an entirely different book, and I need another 24 hours in every day if I’m to write it. Maybe once the Library series comes to a pause…)

Thank you to everyone who has bought it, who will buy it, who is thinking of buying it – you get the idea. And if you read it and like it, then a review would be a very nice Christmas present for this author.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. May your libraries prosper, may your bookshelves always flourish, and may your daydreams be enjoyable.

three days to go

It’s difficult to know where to look in the run-up to a book release. Part of me wants to keep on googling the book title or my name, or checking Goodreads for any new reviews, or otherwise fretting and twitching. The other part of me wants to follow the ostrich strategy, by burying my head in the sand and hoping that Thursday 15th December arrives without me noticing the gap between here and now.

Either way, it’s nerve-wracking.

(Yes, yes, Genevieve, I can hear you saying it now. These are all very petty issues compared with the fact that you are about to have a book come out. And believe me when I say that I can see your point…)

(I’m just twitching with nerves.)

However, I will be extremely delighted about the fact that The Invisible Library is one of Library Journal’s best SF/Fantasy books of 2016. This is the sort of thing that has me thrilled beyond belief, and mostly beyond words. I mean, what can I say? That it’s incredibly cool? That I’m so grateful? That I’m delighted that people have enjoyed it that much, and I hope they enjoy the sequels too?

Well, besides all that. You get the idea.

I’ve also been honoured to be featured in the Barnes & Noble YA Open Mic for December. As the title puts it: “11 Authors Discuss Quitting Smoking, Online Harassment, and More.” (I come under the “more”.)

Anyhow. Three days to go. Be nice to authors, we’re nervous little flowers.

The Masked City – ebook offer on

It seems even the Library can’t stay out of all the current sales…

The Masked City is currently at just £1.19 for the ebook on (apologies to American readers). It’s only just over a fortnight till The Burning Page comes out – here’s a chance to remind yourself of what happened last time.

And happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

Der Leserpreis – silver for The Invisible Library!

I’m absolutely over the moon. In the yearly Der Leserpreis awards on, The Invisible Library (or in the German translation, Die unsichtbare Bibliothek) has won the silver.

Thank you very, very much, anyone who voted.

Die unsichtbare Bibliothek

Invisible Library on Amazon list for 2016, and Burning Page UK giveaway

I’m absolutely delighted to find out that The Invisible Library is on’s list of Best science fiction and fantasy of 2016. Seriously. It’s at number 5 in selling order. I’m still trying to convince myself it’s real. This is the sort of thing that people have daydreams about…

But on the “what’s coming up next” front, here’s a Goodreads giveaway for a chance to win a copy of The Burning Page. (UK only, sorry…) Entry period begins on Nov 15, 2016 and ends on Dec 15, 2016.

The Burning Page – enter the giveaway here

And here’s a Publishers Weekly review of The Burning Page:

Cogman’s third Invisible Library novel (after The Masked City), which centers on the enormous interdimensional Library that connects various alternate versions of our world and the doughty Librarians who hunt down rare and magical books, opens with the series protagonists, Irene, a Librarian turned spy, and Kai, her dragon apprentice, placed on probation by the ruling forces of the Library after some unfortunate events involving the dragons and the Fae. Then Irene’s arch nemesis, rogue Librarian Alberich, returns with the intent to disrupt the many worlds he has control over, as well as the Library itself. Irene must intervene, though she fears there may be a double agent in her circle who’s conspiring against her…