Lucienne Diver’s Faultlines – and The Invisible Library shortlisted for DER LESERPREIS

Lucienne Diver’s new book Faultlines is out today. She’s my agent, and she’s also an excellent author, and the book is strongly recommended.

Six months ago Vanessa Raines lost her best friend.
Lisa had changed, pushing away everyone close to her, even Vanessa. She had quit soccer. Started wearing dark and dismal clothes. She refused every offer to talk and suffered whatever she was going through in silence. Now she’s really gone. Suicide they claim, but Vanessa knows that isn’t right. It can’t be.
Vanessa blames herself for letting Lisa chase her off. She wants answers, so that she can put to rest the rumors surrounding Lisa’s death and so that she can move on, heal. But Lisa left no note and the journal she was always scribbling in—which might tell all—is mysteriously missing.
As Vanessa struggles to come to terms with the loss of her friend and to reconstruct the last months of Lisa’s life, someone calling themselves “Poetic Justice” begins taking revenge against those he or she thinks drove Lisa to suicide. Everyone at school believes Vanessa is this mysterious “Poetic Justice”. It’s easy to blame the former best friend, and Vanessa makes an obvious target.
Struggling with her own guilt, Vanessa is determined to ignore the threats and allegations aimed her way. But as Poetic Justice’s vengeance takes a darker turn, retaliation against Vanessa begins to escalate, from cyber bullying to violence, putting both her and the little sister she adores in the line of fire. To protect them both, she has to find out who’s behind the attacks before things turn deadly. And hope she can survive the truth…

On my own front, I’ve just found out that The Invisible Library (in its German translation, Die unsichtbare Bibliothek) has been shortlisted for DER LESERPREIS on the largest German book community website, This is a great honour and absolutely fantastic news, and, um, if anyone felt like casting a vote for me, that would be extremely kind of you.

Voting is at and will be possible up to the 22nd November. And if anyone reading this is among the people who nominated me for the award, then thank you very much indeed.

The Lost Plot!

Ladies and gentlemen, dragons, Fae, and Librarians…

The title and cover of Library book four are up! And even a few details of the plot!

(With many thanks to the cover designers for fantastic work…)

The Invisible Library – US Kindle daily deal!

The Invisible Library is currently a Kindle Daily Deal on Amazon (US only, sorry) at $1.99. Check it out at:

(Apologies for the rather basic formatting of this post. I’m on vacation and on my iPad, but I thought people might like to know…)


Off for a couple of weeks holiday tomorrow, and when I get back it’ll be almost time for the release of The Burning Page

Many thanks to all of you who are reading and enjoying the books. I hope to keep it up.

(But right now I need a break…)

Cinderella, you are now a published author!

I have some good news – I just can’t share it yet. I realise that this is not spectacularly helpful or enlightening, but I can only say that I think you’ll be pleased when you hear it.

(And no, guessing won’t help. The ninjas will come and drag me away if I answer any questions.)

Here’s something more immediately relevant: a giveaway from Penguin Random House for all three volumes (so far!) of the Invisible Library series. (US readers only – sorry.)

Invisible Library Sweepstakes
(Entry between 12:00 am (ET) October 15th, 2016 and 11:59 pm (ET) November 15th, 2016…)

I realise December is approaching fast, and The Burning Page with it. Taking deep breaths over here and hoping that people will enjoy it. Time really does fly. It seems only yesterday that the first book came out. And I don’t feel as if anything’s changed. It’s not as if a special fairy godpublisher comes over with a magic wand to wave it over your head and say, “Cinderella, you are now a published author!” and then the pumpkin coach and mouse footmen show up…

But on the other hand, there are copies of my book on the shelves. I think I prefer that to a pumpkin coach and mouse footmen.

it’s my party and I’ll read if I want to

So it’s my birthday today. While it did involve work as usual (time and spreadsheets wait for no woman), it also involved a card from my coworkers, cakes at work, presents from my family, a nice dinner out with steak and wine, and a generally good day.

It’s also just over a week now since The Masked City came out in the US. I hope that people are enjoying it! (And if you really want to give me a birthday present, and you enjoyed reading it, then do leave a good review on amazon or wherever – it’s the sort of thing that makes authors happy…)

I need to remember to check the Lush shop soon. They should be getting in their Halloween and/or Christmas specials any day now. I’m a Lush addict – well, some of their products, at least – and I wouldn’t want to miss any good new stuff.

giveaways and nervousness

So with The Masked City coming out in the States next week, am I nervous? Of course not, she says unconvincingly, wearing a path in the carpet with her constant pacing…

But in the meantime, we now have two giveaways!

Here’s the first:
Goodreads giveaway of The Masked City – US only, ends 4th September

And here’s a brand new one:
Tor giveaway of both The Invisible Library and The Masked City – US only, ends 4th September

Now please excuse me while I go off to work on book 4. Irene is currently sitting up from trauma and demanding brandy. She’s very predictable…

USA giveaway of The Masked City

My US publishers (Ace and Roc Books) are doing a giveaway on Goodreads – 12 days to go in which to try your luck and get a free copy of The Masked City. 30 copies are up for grabs.

You can see the giveaway at:
The Masked City – Goodreads giveaway

It finishes on September the 4th, and – as you will already know (cue flashback montage, pages flickering across the screen, etc) the book itself comes out on the 6th September.

Action! Excitement! Adventure! Venice! People falling in canals! Speak now or forever hold your peace… wait, that’s weddings. (Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be relevant somewhere down the line…)

back in the jug agane

Just back from:

a) a splendid time at the Nine Worlds convention in London.
b) a very relaxing and extremely lazy few days with my parents where I did nothing. Well, almost nothing. I did work on the next chapter of book four, but apart from that I did practically nothing. (I might possibly have played Pokemon Go a little…)

Anyhow, back to work now. (For those people curious about the entry title, check out the Molesworth books by Willans & Searle.) Work as usual starts again tomorrow, plus I have the American proofs of book 3 (The Burning Page) to check, and book 2 (The Masked City) comes out in America on the 6th of September, which is very close indeed…

Masked City giveaway on Goodreads

Delighted to share the news that my American publishers are doing a giveaway of advance reading copies of The Masked City. Check it out here:

It’s US-only, I’m afraid, and the giveaway dates are Jul 18 – Aug 01, 2016. Increase your personal libraries! Fill your shelves! Get more books!

(In other news, I now have a new fridge/freezer and am extremely grateful for it.)