a scattered update: The Burning Page getting closer

Currently having issues with my fridge/freezer. This is unlikely to get into my writing, as “Irene has to wrestle with a malfunctioning fridge and ends up defrosting it” lacks narrative interest. Even for the bit where Kai complains that she’s thrown out all the carefully made pure springwater ice cubes which he likes to drop in his drinks.

I have (and here I’m going to tease) been proofreading a special little easter egg for the American edition of The Masked City. I won’t be too specific about it yet, but I think people will like it.

And speaking of proofreading, look what turned up in the post today: The Burning Page, ready for proofreading.


No rest for the wicked…

a week after

It’s astonishing to think that a week (well, nearly) has gone by since The Invisible Library was released in the US. Is this where I stand on a balcony and wave a tentacle to all my new readers? Hi there. Happy reading.

I’m now back at work on book four – apologies that I can’t give any US release dates on that – and should soon be getting the proof-sheets for book three, The Burning Page. I’m also keeping up the day job, and working on my current quilt, which has just reached the stage of hand-sewing on the binding. I’m now being reminded of why hand-sewing black fabric binding onto a black fabric background using black thread is not always a good idea. At least I sit directly under a strong light while doing it.

In case you’re wondering, I drink a lot of coffee, and I catch up on sleep at weekends.

I’m also being worried about the upcoming “Brexit” referendum: I know it won’t do any good to fret, but nervousness is very bad at listening to common sense. (In case you’re curious, I’m planning to vote Remain. And hoping.)

For anyone who’s curious about the deep abysses of my personality, or at least my bookshelf, here are some questions I answered for the Book Brahmin column for Shelf Awareness. Interesting site, and I was very flattered to be asked to contribute.

last challenge from Ace and Roc Books

And here’s your last chance (for the moment) to win an early copy of The Masked City, together with a current copy of The Invisible Library, and other goodies…

Show them your dream library.

(Or just have a look at some other people’s…)

and it’s out in the US!

I’m in the stage of emotional exhaustion where I wander round babbling how I love you all, guys, I love you, you’re great, etcetera. (Alas, no alcohol in the mug by my computer, just coffee.)

The Invisible Library is now out in the US. Thank you very much to everyone who’s supported it.

For US readers who’d like an early look at the sequel, Ace and Roc Books are doing a rolling giveaway of books 1 and two and additional goodies on Facebook here – check it out. Today’s challenge involves gargoyles…

Also, I’ve been answering some questions – here – from Mariana at Book is Glee. Sordid details and dark secrets revealed, etcetera.

I would like to sit down and work on book four, but I’m tired, and more in the mood to curl up with a good book. Fortunately I have my hands on the final Temeraire book by Naomi Novik, League of Dragons. Which makes the decision easy. Pass the book and the coffee, sign me off for the night.


I’ve been trying to think of songs about “tomorrow”, but so far my best options are “Tomorrow belongs to me”, which has somewhat varied associations, and “One More Day” from Les Miserables, which is … mixed.

Anyhow. Tomorrow is the American release of The Invisible Library. To everyone who hasn’t read it yet and is about to, I hope that you enjoy it.

The second Ace and Roc Books challenge is now up: Post a photo of your favorite book with a blue cover. (If you’re unable to post a photo, a link is fine, too!) This is a chance to win not only The Invisible Library, but also an ARC copy of The Masked City. And other goodies.

And now I need to get back to working on book four. Irene shouldn’t be allowed out on her own. (As Kai has frequently remarked.)

Invisible Library upcoming release – and challenges!

Three days to go till the American release of The Invisible Library. I’m on tenterhooks over here in the UK, hoping that people will like it. Fortunately (fortunately?) the day job is keeping me busy and focused enough that I don’t have that much time or leisure to start panicking.

I’ve also got writing book four to keep me busy…

But hey! Here’s a chance for American readers to get ahead of the game. Ace Roc Books are doing a sequential giveaway for the next two weeks…

… Every two days for the next week, we’ll be posting a challenge, and one randomly selected participant in each challenge will win the first two ‪Invisible Library‬ books by Genevieve Cogman (the second of which isn’t out in the US until the fall!), an antique book candle, and book-themed matches…

The first challenge is now up at Challenge One.

The next challenge goes up 1 pm on Sunday, June 12, when they’ll post the winner as well as the next challenge.

The Library doesn’t tend to give its books away. This is your chance…

Interviewed by First Flights

I answered questions a couple of nights ago on live chat as part of First Flights, the Penguin Debut Author program.

The Invisible Library: LIVE CHAT

Very nice people, most welcoming, and I hope that they enjoy books 2 and 3 as well.

American giveaway – The Invisible Library

We’re getting closer to the American release. (Am I paranoid and nervous? Yes! I am paranoid and nervous! Excuse me while I twitch in the corner!)

Ace and Roc Books are very kindly doing a giveaway of 4 copies of The Invisible Library at https://www.facebook.com/acerocbooks/ – so comment before 11:59 eastern time on Sunday, June 5th for a chance to win one, if you haven’t already got it. Or even if you have. Get extra copies, spread them around, improve my chance of world domination… er, ignore that last bit…

Invisible Library ebook reduced on Amazon.co.uk

Just a quick note to say that on amazon.co.uk, The Invisible Library is currently at 99p in ebook format. I don’t think it’ll stay that way for long, so gather your rosebuds while ye may, etcetera.

(Apologies to US readers. Will it cheer you up if I mention that I’ve got an advance copy of the American edition of The Invisible Library? And that it looks absolutely beautiful?)

a couple of updates

So where are things at the moment? Well, I’m nearly halfway (call it 4/10) through the first draft of book four, and I’ve also just received the copy-edits back for book three. So I’m keeping busy.

(What, you say, don’t all authors recline on sofas made from compacted bundles of cash while sipping absinthe and having handsome concubines rub their shoulders? I hate to disappoint you, but that would be fiction rather than fact, and only occurs in high-Chaos alternates.)

I’ve also been absolutely thrilled to find out that The Invisible Library is in the June 2016 LibraryReads list – a list of the top ten books chosen by librarians across the country. (In this case, the USA.) See the details at http://us11.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c83ea04f51eb8e4081209264b&id=fd1fbb1c8f, and get some excellent recommendations for other books while you’re at it.

I would do a little dance of delight, but these days I’d rather just sit back and work on the next chapter of book four. That’s more constructive, right?