cool things in the last week

In fact, very cool things in the last week.

Today I found out that The Invisible Library has been given a starred review by Publishers Weekly. This is absolutely fantastic. The review’s up at, and I’m fighting the urge to run round showing it to everyone. (Wait, this is what I have a blog and twitter for! How convenient!)

Secondly, The Invisible Library is the most loved cover on NetGalley for April. This is the gorgeous American cover. (The UK cover is also gorgeous. And so is the German one. I am extremely grateful to my publishers.) See the details at and admire all the others while you’re at it.

Thirdly, The Invisible Library (noticing a trend here?) has been nominated in the High School section for this year’s Sakura Medal in Japan. The Sakura Medal is a book award voted on by children and young adults from international schools across Japan : it started in 2006. I’m very honoured to have been nominated as one of the candidates. Details are at

In the meantime, I’m reading through the proofs for the American edition of The Masked City, waiting for the copy-edits of The Burning Page, and working on book four…

Goodreads giveaway – US edition

For those who may be interested, there’s currently a giveaway on Goodreads for 24 copies of The Invisible Library. And this time it’s the US edition – apologies to all European readers!

Check it out at:

Goodreads givewaway

Only a week to go, so get your name in fast!

some days involve just keeping on with the job

Some days there isn’t anything really exciting to put up here. I’ve just handed in the latest set of edits for The Burning Page, so that’s in motion, and I’m working on book four.

The Masked City is still just at 99p as an e-book for Kindle on …

I’m also lamenting the fact that the latest Ace Attorney game (the prequel one set in Victorian England, Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken) looks unlikely to get a release outside Japan. I suppose I shouldn’t complain too much, given how many games in that series have already been released in translation so that I can play them… but they’re such fun.

The Masked City – e-book Spring Sale on Amazon

Wow. Well, it seems that The Masked City is part of Amazon’s spring sale for e-books on Kindle. It’s now going at 99p, so if you wanted to pick it up cheaply, and you’re in the UK, this is a very convenient opportunity. (Apologies to all readers who aren’t in the UK…)

The Masked City – on

In other news, I’m sorry to be updating so rarely. Life has my nose to the grindstone and my shoulder to the wheel, and in between trying to manage both these positions at once, I’m kept hopping. (How many metaphors can I mix in one sentence? Far too many.) But book 3, The Burning Page, is on the way. More details when I have them…

Goodreads giveaway – American galleys of The Invisible Library

Ace Roc Books are giving away 24 copies of The Invisible Library! Check it out at:

(In other news, I’m doing edits on book three, The Burning Page, and writing book four…)

Take advantage – Amazon low price for The Masked City

For the moment, seems to be selling the e-book of The Masked City at the reduced price of £1.19. I don’t know why, and I have no idea of how long it’ll last, but if you were thinking of picking it up cheap, and you’re on UK amazon, well…


The Burning Page – cover reveal

Tor have just released the cover for book 3 of the Invisible Library series, The Burning Page. Here it is!

It’s absolutely fantastic. I’m delighted with it. Look for it on the shelves in December…

animation of the Carceri prints by Piranesi

And also, here’s a truly spectacular animation of Piranesi’s Carceri prints which a friend of mine found.

To quote the background information:

…one of the key elements of the exhibition Le Arti di Piranesi: architetto, incisore, antiquario, vedutista, designer (The Art of Piranesi: architect, engraver, antiquarian, vedutista, designer), a 12 minute animation of Piranesi’s Carceri series made by Gregoire Dupond at Factum Arte specifically for the exhibition. This series of 16 visionary images, originally etched by Piranesi when in his late 20’s, shows the workings of his imagination, merging his architectural ambitions with his obsessive interest in antiquity. Watching Gregoire Dupond’s animation is literally like entering Piranesi’s mind.

Imagine Vale and Irene walking through that.

Library books 4 and 5!

Good news. Really good news.

Tor will be publishing Library books 4 and 5!

I can confirm that book 3, The Burning Page, will be out in December 2016 and the first new book (book 4) is scheduled for December the following year.

This is absolutely fantastic news for me to be able to share. Thanks to Tor, and to all the readers who’ve been buying the books!


Happy new year!

A happy new year to everyone. May you succeed in all your endeavours, may things all go well for you, and may you have fun.


And here’s a little something to make people’s purchases less expensive, even if it won’t necessarily help with the above. currently have The Invisible Library as one of their Kindle Monthly Deals, and the price has been reduced to £1.19. Get it while it’s cheap!

The Invisible Library

Also, on a side note, the following people won audio copies of The Masked City and haven’t yet contacted me for their codes. Please drop me an email at, if you want your free copy:


Sathyai Tomlinson

Douglas Robb