The Masked City – audiobook winners

Congratulations to everyone who took part and suggested somewhere that Irene should go book-hunting. The winners of an audiobook code for The Masked City are:

Klaudia Seibel


Sathyai Tomlinson


Douglas Robb

Please email me using the “Contact” function on this blog, at, and I’ll send you an audiobook code. Hope you enjoy it!


The Masked City – audiobook giveaway

I have a few free copies of The Masked City audiobook, and this is your chance to get one.

Reply to this post, and in your comment, tell me about a library (real or imaginary) that Irene should visit. (Why? Why not? Besides, it makes things more interesting for other people reading the post.)

At midnight (UK time) on Sunday 20th December I’ll do some random drawing, and five of the commenters will win an audio code for the audiobook. Of course, if there are only five or less people replying to this post, then I won’t need to do much random drawing. Que sera, sera.



The Masked City is out!

It’s the 3rd of December (just), and The Masked City is out!

(Apologies to all those in countries where it isn’t immediately available.)


And the giveaway on Goodreads is still running (again, UK-only, sorry):


Thanks to all my readers. Your time and attention is greatly appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the book.

Masked City giveaway on Goodreads!

Now that I’m back from holiday, and panicking in the run-up to the release of The Masked City on December 3rd – did I say panicking? I mean calm anticipation, of course, peaceful placid patient self-controlled etcetera, a lotus floating on the lake, a swan drifting down the river.

(So basically, panicking.)

But here’s a little giveaway – free copies of The Masked City available on Goodreads. I’m afraid it’s only for inside the UK, so apologies to all those who aren’t, and I will cross my fingers that you have a later opportunity to get one for your own country. (I can hope.) But in the meantime:

The Masked City – Goodreads giveaway

The very best of luck.


Covers! American and English!

So, she said slightly guiltily, let me catch you up on the news.

Here’s a lovely shot of the cover proofs for The Masked City:

And here’s a link to the American covers of The Invisible Library and The Masked City, together with chapter one of The Invisible Library:

(go on, click it, you know you want to)


I’m just beside myself at the moment. They look gorgeous. I have been so lucky with my publishers.

And now there’s less than two months till The Masked City comes out (in the UK, at least)…

American publication!

I am absolutely thrilled to be able to announce that I am going to be published in America by Ace/Roc Books.

More details will follow about publication dates, no doubt gorgeous covers, etcetera, as soon as I have them.

I am currently higher than a zeppelin and bouncing around the room. (Or at least, I would be, but I need to get on with editing book three…) Many thanks to Ace/Roc for taking me on, and I am just so pleased at the moment that I lack appropriate vocabulary to express it.



little drops of water, little grains of sand

First note: The Invisible Library is currently at 99p on in Kindle format:

I don’t know how long it’ll be that way, so take advantage while you can. (Apologies to non-UK readers.)


Second note: I’m in the editing stage on book 3. It doesn’t have a definite title yet. I have something in mind, but it may give away too much of the plot, so … we’ll see.


Third note: I may have some good news in the near future. More details when I have them. Hopefully very soon.


a quick current position

Where do we stand? Well, book two seems pretty much wrapped up, and now I’m working on book three. (Rocks fall! Everyone dies! Hopefully not.)

I will be attending the Nine Worlds convention in London in August. Other than that, I expect to be keeping my nose to the grindstone. And my shoulder to the wheel. And similar unhelpful contortions, assisted by coffee. Ah coffee, I love you dearly, never leave me.

Currently watching the Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell tv series, which is extremely good. Mind you, the book is even better, so go and read that. I admit to bias. I almost always prefer the book, even if the tv series is a priceless gem and an adaptation of the sort which is only seen once in a lifetime. I think it’s because I get so deeply into the book that I want to have every single moment and every single line in the tv adaptation, or in the movie, and while technically I realise that isn’t possible and won’t be happening, a part of me still regrets it. For instance, the scene in the book where the Gentleman enchants the King and Jonathan, and Jonathan has to perform the “moon before my eyes” charm. Absolutely fantastic in the book. I do accept that they probably couldn’t do it in a tv version. But I still miss it.

(And yes, I would no doubt be a Norrellite. Far happier among my books than at a party.)

The Masked City now up on amazon!

Creeping quietly, with catlike tread, (and!) have put up entries for book two in the Library sequence, The Masked City. Due out in October.

I am torn between being delighted about how gorgeous it looks (thank you, my publishers! thank you, my cover designer!) and wanting to show it to all my friends, and even people who aren’t my friends, and on the other hand hiding in a corner and chewing my fingernails until it comes out. Which is going to be another five months yet, so probably not the world’s best option.

On a side note, the cover of the German-language version of The Invisible Library (due out in December) is now visible on

I have been blessed with some gorgeous covers.

hard at it

My current workload is strewn all over my flat. Notes for book three, and now the page-proofs for book two. (And everything else that’s strewn all round the flat, because, well, these things just happen, and I’m sure that everyone has a load of unfinished quilts and balls of yarn and bits of fabric and whatever piled up around the place. Right? Right.)

If you commented on my last post in order to win a copy of the audiobook of The Invisible Library, then please check: you may have won. (And if you did win and I sent you a copy, then bravo.)

I’ve been beset by another idea, which for the moment I’m just piling up notes about, since there’s no time to work on it. For what it’s worth, the notes include comments on Arthuriana, Goetia, cats, and Bletchley Park. We shall see.