free audiobook giveaway of The Invisible Library

Those who saw this blog yesterday saw that I was bouncing up and down and screaming – er, that is, expressing my happiness in a mature and decorous manner – about The Invisible Library being released as an audiobook. (Available on,, and amazon!) As you might guess, I’m still totally thrilled.

In order to celebrate the book’s release as an audiobook I’m running a little random giveaway on this blog. The conditions are:

a) post a comment to this entry, giving me a book that Irene should “acquire” for the Library. (Books have to be works of fiction, but can be real or can be fictional. Go ahead. Amuse me.) Only one entry per person, please.

… er, that’s all the conditions.

I’ll draw the winner at midnight UK time on Sunday 19th April. (I have to be up for work on Monday morning, after all…) The winner will get an audio download code for The Invisible Library. Thanks in advance to all those who comment.

Oh, and for anyone who wants a double chance of winning a copy, Lucienne Diver (my admirable, excellent, and awesome agent) is also running her own giveaway on her blog at – and her blog’s an excellent read in any case, so you’re on the credit side of the ledger whichever way you stack it up.

audiobook available!

The Invisible Library is now out on audiobook!

… and

Beautifully read by Susan Duerden, and making me go “this sounds awesome… did I actually write this?”

audiobook out tomorrow!

The audiobook version of The Invisible Library comes out tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear it. And there will be a little random giveaway on this site coming up, so watch this space.

Otherwise, I’ve handed in the copy-edits on The Masked City (book two), and I’m working on book three. No rest for the wicked…


trying to catch up

Here’s an interview with Fantasy Book Review:

(It’s all true. Elisabeth is my favourite musical. At the moment.)

In other news, The Invisible Library is nearly out on audio! To be released on the 14th April.

Audible have been kind enough to mention it in their Spring Previews:

And in the meantime, I have handed in the hopefully-mostly-final-edits-till-the-copy-edit-stage of book two, The Masked City, and am now getting down to more writing on book three… (Sleep? What is this thing you call sleep?)

memories of Sir Terry Pratchett

Yes, I know, I said I was going to do a post about Venice. Sorry. I will get to it, I promise.

Today Sir Terry Pratchett died. And I sniffled at work, and then outright cried once nobody else was around.

The first book of his that I read was The Light Fantastic. I must have been 14. I’d seen a review of it in Dave Langford’s book review column in White Dwarf (this was before it was a house organ for Games Workshop), and I bought it on my way back to boarding school at the railway station at London Victoria, using the spare money I had after my taxi fare from London Waterloo to London Victoria. After reading it, I then got my hands on The Colour of Magic too, and I bought every book after that. In earlier days I bought them in paperback (after reading them in hardback from the library), but as time went on and I had a bit more spare change, I didn’t wait, I just bought the hardback.

I loved his writing. The characters, the story, the style, everything. His books have expanded my thinking and have given me so many happy moments it’s not true. (And a few sad moments.) I imagine that I will keep them for the rest of my life, and probably reread them all again several times yet.

“Go back,” said Granny. “You call yourself some kind of goddess and you know nothing, madam, nothing. What don’t die can’t live. What don’t live can’t change. What don’t change can’t learn. The smallest creature that dies in the grass knows more than you. You’re right. I’m older. You’ve lived longer than me but I’m older than you. And better’n you. And, madam, that ain’t hard.”

Lords and Ladies, Terry Pratchett

back from Venice

A more connected post will follow, but just to note that I am back from a few days in Venice, that I had an absolutely fantastic time, and that there will be photos.

still ten miles high


This is fantastic.

I just got reviewed in the Guardian. A good review, at that. – I’m one of the five people mentioned.

I will now go and have happy dreams. (And then get on with writing books 2 and 3.)

bursting out all over!

The Invisible Library is now out as a physical paperback on, as well as a Kindle ebook! And it’s available in Waterstones, and WH Smith, and everywhere…

(Please excuse me while I sniffle into my glass of icewine. Everyone’s been so nice.)

If you’ve been reading it, and you enjoyed it, then I’m very glad. Thank you. Book two is in the pipeline!

get it while you can!

The Invisible Library is currently available on Amazon as an e-book, at a reduced price as part of the Twelve Days of Christmas – get it while you can!

In other news, I had a lovely Christmas, and am getting over a ferocious cold. These two facts are coterminous but not correlated. Excuse me while I cough.

Book 2 is in edit stages. Book 3 is being written. I will hope that they don’t disappoint.


on Monday we go e-book

Should I be waving flags to get attention?

On Monday 15th December, the e-book version of The Invisible Library will be available for purchase.

(The physical version release date is still the 15th January 2015.)

I still can’t quite believe that we’re almost there. I believe it mentally, if you know what I mean, but I have difficulty believing it emotionally. Of course, in three days time I will hopefully be believing it emotionally as well…