get your Scarlets cheap, all you shoppers

For those of you who buy your e-books in the UK, SCARLET is currently just 99p on Amazon for the e-book. Available at:

ELUSIVE comes out in a month and a half, and I am, as usual, in a state of nerves. (Logic and reason and kind reassurance have very little effect on said nerves, alas. However, post-Easter bargain chocolate helps, which is my excuse and I’m sticking to it.)

Eastercon in the UK was absolutely excellent, and I had a wonderful time. My compliments to the organising Committee and to everyone who attended. Next up, Worldcon in August – membership and hotel room already booked.

Currently working on personal edits for book 3 in the SCARLET REVOLUTION trilogy. After that it goes to my publishers, and comes back in a few weeks with a lot more edits. That’s how it goes. But I hope to get in a little holiday first . . .

bringing the house down

I’ve almost finished the first draft of book 3 in the SCARLET REVOLUTION trilogy. The climax is being suitably dramatic. Of course, then I have to edit it . . .

Im the meantime, I’m going to be at Eastercon 2024 (Levitation) this weekend, so I’m looking forward to that.

Also, THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY ebook (US version) is currently just $1.99 on BookBub – check it out at .

updates, including Hugo nominations

Apologies for not posting for a while. Things have been busy – well, and still are. I’m deep in the first draft of book 3 of the Scarlet Revolution trilogy.

Speaking of which, if you are inclined towards Hugo nominations, both SCARLET (for novel) and the SCARLET REVOLUTION trilogy (for series) are valid. Just saying. If you feel like it.

I’m going to be at Eastercon in the UK at the end of March, so see you there if you’re attending.

packing for Christmas

So tomorrow I’m going down to see my parents for Christmas. Book 2 of the Scarlet Revolution trilogy (Elusive) is in the proofreading stage, book 3 (wouldn’t you like to know) is being written, and my brain needs a break.

Oh, and for the record, Lisbon was absolutely splendid. I had a wonderful time. (I also got rained on, but these things happen.)

I hope that you all have a wonderful time over Christmas, whether or not you celebrate it, and happy new years. May you all be happy, safe and well, and may you not be dragged off to the guillotine, preyed on by vampires, or falsely imprisoned in Bedlam any time soon.

(Oddly specific wishes? Blame my current reading – and writing . . .)

a little vacation

Not much to share recently: I’ve been doing edits on book 2 (ELUSIVE) or working on the first draft of book 3, or just getting along with life.

However, I’m about to have a few days in Lisbon (in Portugal), so fingers crossed for sunshine and for a nice break from absolutely everything.

(And yes, everything is research. Everything.)

Elusive – UK cover

The UK cover of ELUSIVE is now visible (unlike the Pimpernel himself, who still evades the clutches of the Committee of Public Safety). You can see it, together with details, at:

Things have been fairly quiet otherwise – I’ve been getting on with life. Day job, edits on ELUSIVE, first draft for book 3, etcetera. The weather has definitely turned autumnal. I’ve got a few days in Lisbon booked at the end of October, which will be a lovely break.

time passes, rain falls

There has been little to tell, which has contributed to me having little to write here. I have been writing elsewhere – book 3 of the Scarlet Revolution series is ongoing, and I’m waiting for the edits on book 2, which I expect to get in a week or so. But before that, I’m taking a bit of a holiday and going down to visit my parents for a week.

Taking with me chocolate, brandy, a jigsaw, some books and dvds, some salmon I ordered from the Pished Fish website, and, well, let’s say it’s going to be fun trying to close my suitcase.

The weather here is being dismal, wet, and very grey and cool for August. (I do of course remind myself that at least we haven’t got drought and wildfires, like Corfu and too many other countries, but it’s still depressing.) It’s enough to make one believe in the folklore about St Swithin’s (or Swithun’s) Day – that if it rains on that day (the 15th July) then it’ll rain for the next 40 days and nights.

Still, now that I’ve signed off work for the next week, I can almost feel my shoulders rising and relaxing as I take a deep breath of free air. (Well, free in the sense that it’s not facing my work computer and a stack of clinical codes and SNOMED CT concepts – I’m sure there are corporations out there who’d like to charge me for each breath if they only could.) I intend to have a nice relaxing week, sit around, catch up on some reading, watch television in the evenings, etc. We shall see.

Library 1-3 – get while the getting is good

Just a quick note that the UK ebooks of the first three books in the Library series are currently up on UK Amazon for a mere 99p each, at:




In other news, Cymera was fantastic, but I came back with a sniffly cold which I am currently nursing in an I-hate-the-world style. (Not COVID, I think – or at least, the tests are all negative so far.) The weekend’s sunny weather has descended into gloom, and the weather forecasts are promising (a) increased temperatures and (b) thunderstorms for the coming weekend. So it goes.

the week after

Now that the release is out (in both the UK and US) I hope you’re all enjoying Scarlet.

In the meantime, here are a couple of links to essays/questions which I was asked.

Reimagining the Scarlet Pimpernel – a short essay for –

Some questions about the researching, writing and editing process –

In the meantime, I’ve turned in the first draft of book two, and am waiting for editing notes on that. I’ve seen the proposed UK cover for book two, and it’s gorgeous. You’ll love it. I’ve also started writing the first draft of book 3, though so far I’m only in the prologue . . .

(No rest for the wicked. Or for authors. Or both.)

Scarlet – UK release!

SCARLET has now also been released in the UK. Many thanks to everyone who’s picked up a copy.

(In case you haven’t, you can find it at …)

Back to work tomorrow, and it’ll be a sad comedown from the US and UK releases, and at least a year to go till the next one. Ah well.

Still, I have the Eurovision Song Contest to console me, with the final on Saturday night. It was the second semifinal tonight, and I particularly enjoyed all three of these songs, all of which got through to the final.

Austria – Teya & Salena – Who The Hell Is Edgar? –

Australia – Voyager – Promise –

Poland – Blanka – Solo –

Take care and stay safe, and happy reading.