For those of you who buy your e-books in the UK, SCARLET is currently just 99p on Amazon for the e-book. Available at:
ELUSIVE comes out in a month and a half, and I am, as usual, in a state of nerves. (Logic and reason and kind reassurance have very little effect on said nerves, alas. However, post-Easter bargain chocolate helps, which is my excuse and I’m sticking to it.)
Eastercon in the UK was absolutely excellent, and I had a wonderful time. My compliments to the organising Committee and to everyone who attended. Next up, Worldcon in August – membership and hotel room already booked.
Currently working on personal edits for book 3 in the SCARLET REVOLUTION trilogy. After that it goes to my publishers, and comes back in a few weeks with a lot more edits. That’s how it goes. But I hope to get in a little holiday first . . .