Audiobook winners

I’ve just randomly selected the winners and sent out the audiobook codes. Congratulations to everyone!

The winners were the following people: if you’re one of them, and you haven’t received a Goodreads message or an email from me, then please comment and let me know.

Goodreads blog:

L.E. Doggett

Wordpress blog:


Merry Christmas, happy new year, the compliments of the season, and I hope everyone enjoys whatever holidays you celebrate. Best wishes to everyone. Take care.

Giveaway deadline!

And that’s a wrap! No more giveaway entries, please.

I’ll try to get the results out later this evening or tomorrow. Many thanks to everyone who was interested.

Christmas giveaway!

Ho ho ho!

The Mortal Word audiobook is now out, and I propose a giveaway. Reply to this post (either here, or on Goodreads) and tell me which other book from the Invisible Library series you would also like as an audiobook, and five lucky winners will get both the audiobook of The Mortal Word, and also the one that they’ve requested!

Closing date/time to enter the giveaway and leave a comment is midnight (24:00) UK time, on Friday 21st December. I’ll try to select the winners and email out the audiobook authorisation codes on Saturday 22nd. (Before going home on Sunday 23rd to my parents for the holiday . . .)

Many thanks to everyone who’s already bought and enjoyed The Mortal Word, or any other books from the series. (And remember, every author likes getting good reviews on Amazon as a Christmas present . . .)

and it’s out!

The Mortal Word has hit the shelves – well, physically hit the shelves, electronically hit the metaphorical electronic shelves, you know what I mean . . .

Thank you to everyone who’s picked it up. Thank you very much indeed – I hope you enjoy it. I can’t say much more than that. I mean, I really, really hope you enjoy it. My Lego figures on my desk of General Leia and the Fourth Doctor and Lam Ching Ying as the One-Eyebrow Priest hope you enjoy it. (They’re very cooperative. Either that or I’ve been drinking too much coffee.)

I’m delighted to share that The Mortal Word is on the Amazon list for December Best Books of the Month: Science Fiction & Fantasy – which is awesome! (Many other fantastic books are also there, such as Swordheart by T Kingfisher, or How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? by N. K. Jemisin, so I’m in really cool company.)

So what next? I hand in my current draft of book 6 to my editor, and I get working on book 7. Truly there is no rest for the wicked. Or for authors. And I get ready for Christmas – time to do the Christmas shopping . . .

just a couple of days to go

The Mortal Word is out in two days – or four days, if you’re in the UK. I would be covering this post with exclamation marks, but I’m trying to be self-controlled and mature and adult and all that sort of thing.
So while we’re waiting, what else is going on? Well, there’s Doctor Who, which I was watching earlier this evening, and I love Jodie Whittaker and the new series, but that’s a different kettle of fish (or witches, if you’ve just seen the latest episode).
There’s also the UK Amazon Kindle offer on The Lost Plot for £1.19, which is still running – and The Invisible Library at 99p. Just saying.
And from me . . . I just want to say thank you to you all who’ve been reading my books. I hope you enjoy this latest one.

less than a month – and a special offer!

Back from Florence now, and it was absolutely fantastic. I loved the food, I loved the sightseeing, and I have a stack of souvenirs such as local paper, a personal seal, some prints, and a lot of books from the museums . . .

There’s less than a month to go till the release of The Mortal Word, and as you can probably imagine, I’m trying not to count the days. Or at least, not too much. Or too audibly.

For people in America, here’s a giveaway for The Mortal Word (till the 6th November):

And for people in the UK – I’m delighted to let you know that The Lost Plot ebook is currently on amazon at just £1.19 – so you can catch up on the Perils of Irene before we hit book five. (Hit the ground running, as Irene might put it . . .)

First draft finished, and time for a holiday

I’ve just finished the first draft of Library book six. Still lots of work to be done on it – some of which I know, and other bits of which I have yet to run across (think of it like a car tyre hitting a bed of nails) – but at least I’ve got to this point.

And it’s just in time for me to take a holiday! I’ll be spending next week in Florence, in Italy, which should be absolutely awesome. Time for some research, some self-indulgence, some awesome food . . .

Interview by Ingram

Here’s an interview (of me) by Ingram – it has a few potential details about future books, if anyone’s interested . . .

(The sharks are probably definite.)

Special offers – UK and German – and other news

Back from the Nine Worlds convention, back from my holiday, and back to regular day job and to working on book six. (And incidentally visiting the Great Northern Quilt Show last Saturday and coming away with far too many fabric purchases. I blame the fabric. It throws itself into my bag as I walk past.)

Good news, or at least cheap news: both The Invisible Library *and* The Masked City ebooks are at 99p on UK Amazon at the moment. Apply here for your heroic librarians, great detectives, suave seducers, dragons in distress . . .

Also, if you’re a German reader, The Masked City is available for just 1.29 euros on German Amazon, as part of this month’s Kindle deal.

And I’ve just seen the cover for the Taiwanese version of The Invisible Library. It looks gorgeous! More details later . . .

Nine Worlds upcoming

I’m afraid I’ve been rather quiet lately. First there were the UK proofs for The Mortal Word, and then there were the US proofs for The Mortal Word, and in the background I was slogging away at book six . . . and in a most depressing heatwave, too. (I know that by a lot of standards, the recent UK temperatures are comparatively minor – especially in the north of England, where I am – but trust me, it was quite bad enough for my tastes.)

I’m going to be at Nine Worlds in London at the end of next week – so if you’re there as well, do say hi. I will be doing a presentation on the Takarazuka Revue, though given it’s 9am on Saturday morning, I will understand if you can’t be there – I know I’m going to be hitting the coffee heavily beforehand . . .